Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Creative Spirituality: Give to Others What You Desire

In the creative process the universe receives our intensions via our thoughts (conceive), our words (create) and our deeds (experience). These correspond to the three-part being that we are. The spirit, or soul (conceives), the mind (creates), and the body (experiences).

We know that thought is creative and that the body is the benefactor of those thoughts through experience, but the importance of the mind in this process cannot be understated. The mind takes the thought to a higher level and instructs the body on what needs to be done to manifest those thoughts into reality. The creative process requires that the mind, body and spirit work in unison with each other.

Unlike our dealings with each other, you can't fool your mind. That is why sincerity is such an important part of the creative process. If you are insincere about your intensions, your mind will know it and break the link in the creative process. If you make affirmations to the universe that you now have money, in an attempt to manipulate the universe into sending you more money, the mind, which is very clear that you do not have money, will foil this deception and you will beseech the universe with empty words.

If your intensions are not sincere, you are not creating in unity and will not manifest into your reality what you intended.

Your mind goes to your base thought about what you intend to create to see if it jibes with what you actually believe. If there is conflict you lose sincerity. As we have seen, we can change these base thoughts by reversing the thought, word, deed process. We can also change these base thoughts by giving to another that which we desire.

This gets a little tricky because we must sincerely give to another that which we desire. The only way we can get the mind to believe in the sincerity of our gestures is for the mind to believe that there is no selfish personal gain involved.

If you give something to another as a tool to receive something back that you want, you are trying to fool the system. Therefore not only do you not get what you desire, but the recipients of your gesture see the selfish method and recognize your insincerity.

The rational behind the process of giving to others that which you desire is fundamentally described within the core concept that we are all one. What we do for another we also do for ourselves. The mind is united with the body and the spirit in believing that the universe will deliver through you that which you sincerely wish to give to another.

Once again sincerity is the key.

Here's how it works. If you want more happiness in your life, then give happiness to another in order for them to be happy. When you do this you experience the sensation that you must “be” happy since you have enough of it to give it away to another.

You understand you cannot give away what you don't possess, and your mind begins to process that you sincerely gave away happiness with no expectation of personal gain. If that is the case, then the minds thought about this is that you must possess happiness or you couldn't be giving it away.

This new thought then becomes your experience and what you are “being.” You establish this state of “beingness” as a definition of who you are, and you create more from that. Beingness creates doingness and doingness creates experience and experience defines your beingness.

Sincerity and unselfishness allow the mind to process the intent. When you give to another that which you desire, by the very act of giving, you realize that you already possess what you desire to have. By giving it away with sincerity you attract more to you because you are being it.

On this physical plane in the world of relativity, what you are being is the critical factor in how you relate to everything. It's all a matter of perspective when it comes to how you view life and beingness brings you the perspective that you have in the present moment.

Use your creative powers to create yourself anew, in every moment, as the person that you wish to be.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.nutsandboltsspirituality.com/

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spiritual Growth on Steroids: Fill Yourself with Love

Spirituality information that really hits the nail on the head involves the concept of unconditional love. If you are seeking spiritual growth then you will begin to immerse yourself in this concept.

Because we live in a world of physicality we are often concerned with our exterior world but when it comes to understanding your true nature you begin the process of going within where your true essence resides. You find out what is inside of you and then use that knowledge to create meaning to the experiences of your life.

“What is inside of me? What aspects of myself do I bring forth when I am confronted with life situations?” I know that as a former sleepwalker I was pretty much in lockstep with a society that told me that if somebody squeezes me I should get angry, get confrontational and be fearful while all this is happening. I had been conditioned very well.

Here is the question I posed to myself, “What if I was so full of love, that no matter what people did to me and no matter what life threw at me, all that would come out of me is love?” Then I started saying love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. It is really cool. I can picture myself driving down a country road and there are cows out in the pasture and I am giving them all my love, and there are giant trees on the other side of the road and I am giving them all my love, and the sky is clear and beautiful and I am giving the sky all my love, and it is such an empowering experience that I make a vow to myself to institute this concept into my reality.

I continually work on this process of filling myself with love because, as you will find, everything in life is a process. So now, when I am confronted with antagonistic or threatening situations, what comes out of me is love. From this foundation of love I am able to make more conscious choices about what I choose to create as these life situations unfold.

Did you see what I just wrote? I said, “…what I choose to create…” not, “…what I choose to react with…” Sleepwalkers react to what's happening. I choose to create what's happening. And what I choose to create depends on where I am going in any particular moment in time. I have a vision of where I choose to be and then I move toward that vision.

I have a vision of what I believe serves me. I created this vision consciously. I live this vision in every present moment of now and by doing so the vision is fulfilled. We are all powerful creators and we are all creating with every thought that goes through our heads. Thoughts become things, so it is critical that you be clear on what you are thinking about.
Once again, if you are, in fact, being what serves you, then you will automatically be doing what serves you. And why is that? All together now, because beingness creates doingness.

You see, this is the main difference between people who are consciously living their lives and people who are living their lives unconsciously.

If you are living consciously you become aware of your beingness. As you become more aware, you begin to understand that you are more than just your body with a brain. Some people are so unconscious that they have become one-dimensional. They think of themselves as just a body. They have stopped using their brain as a cognitive tool and are totally unaware of the spiritual side of their beingness. This is not a judgment, it is merely an observation.

If you ask them about spirit, they may reply that they don't go to church. Well, so what! What does church have to do with being spiritual? Nothing.

Some of our most profound spiritual experiences are often found while walking in nature or looking at the stars at night or watching your cat play with yarn. You don't need a formal building fitted with religious trappings to connect to your source and enjoy the natural consequence of that connection. Sitting quietly in a room and allowing the silence of space to envelope you is a much more effective way to communicate with your source than to have a choir singing the praises of the lord and a preacher telling you their perspective on heaven and hell.

That is not to say that churches and religions don't have their place in their ability to help us gain insight on spiritual principals and concepts. Religion is one way to make connection with your source, but it is not the only way. Every person occupying this planet has their own way of walking their individual path that will eventually bring them to the realization that they are one with the source of all that is.

The absolute sure-fire way of connecting to your source is to fill yourself with love so that no matter what confronts you in life what will come out of you is love. Trust me on this one.

Try it, you'll like it.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.nutsandboltsspirituality.com/

Self Realization

That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. Your true self is already realized and is directing your mind to read these words and think about them. The key to self-realization is for your mind to realize that you are NOT your mind. Observe that part of you that can observe what your mind is thinking as you are reading this. It’s a game, as well as a powerful way for your mind to connect with your spirit and the consciousness evolving you now.

Connect with the volition that is compelling you to read these words. Where is this curiosity coming from? What compels you to read? Turn your awareness away from the light coming into your eyes and the thoughts floating through your head, and be aware of that which is aware. Reflect upon your own nature. Turn your awareness around 180 degrees and observe the part of you observing. Allow your mind to behold that there is something other than your mind observing your mind.

Just take a moment to observe whatever you are thinking. Watch your mind as if you were watching a movie on the screen of your mind. Note that there is something other than your mind that is observing your mind. There is a subject and an object. Your thoughts are the object. The witness, or observer of the thought, is the subject. You are conscious of what you are thinking right now, just be conscious of that consciousness.

There is a sixth sense of awareness evolving throughout humanity. The fact that you are called to read these words indicates that you have reached a critical point in the evolution of your consciousness where you are now ready to fully realize your full potential…you are being called to self-realization. You are ahead of the bell-curve of humanity, an early adopter that is taking that next big step in awareness and enlightenment. Enjoy the journey, it just gets better.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

P.S. My new book The Calling takes you through this labyrinth of the mind and back into a place of full consciousness. To order your copy now visit www.selfawareness.com/BooksBySSS.html.

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit http://www.selfawareness.com/ for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Use Your Spiritual Growth to Release Limits

The spirituality information that serves you the most is accepting the spiritual aspect of self as part of your being human. This concept will advance your spiritual growth faster than any other concept because your spirit is your eternal direct connection to your source.

If you choose to continue to live and define yourself as mostly a body and a mind, that is okay. You have free will to believe and experience life in any manner that you choose.

If you choose to open yourself up to the spirit part of your beingness and allow your spirit to be an equal partner in the decisions you make about your life, then you will begin to do different things than you have been doing in the past.

You are introducing new ideas into your thinking. You are no longer limiting yourself to two dimensions of your beingness. You are being more of yourself than you were previously. You are expanding your consciousness.

You are beginning to eliminate a limiting belief that you may hold about yourself that says “as a human body I can only be, do and have so much because I am tied to the limits of my physical capabilities.” When you allow the spirit part of your being to be included in your definition of self, you become aware that this aspect of your being is limitless and not confined to physical parameters.

More importantly, you are letting the love that is the core of your being expand with every input from your spiritual nature. You are removing the limits that you set upon yourself when you were limiting yourself to your mind and body.

What's this? You are becoming unlimited? Wow! What a concept! But what about all those shackles and conditioning I put on myself when I didn't open myself up to my spiritual side? What? You say I am liberating myself? Wait a minute. I have to ask myself a question.

“Does this serve me?” If it does then I should “be what serves me.”

In order to reach clarity on “what serves us” we need to have a clear understanding of what it is that we are trying to accomplish. So what are we trying to accomplish? What is our mission? What is our purpose in the life process? How are we going to know “what serves us” if we don't know where this service is taking us?

Until we can answer these questions we are just spinning our wheels with no sense of direction or reason. Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is just taking up time. Vision with action can change the world.

So now it is time to take a look at these larger issues of life. We need to explore the areas of our existence that can shed some light on “being what serves us.” We need to get a better handle on this concept of understanding who we really are. When we know who we really are we will be able to see “what serves us” from a much clearer perspective.

So let us go back to the beginning of time, as we know it, and answer some of these larger questions in order to get a better idea of who we really are and how this knowledge of who we really are will show us how we can “be what serves us.”

Usually, we go back to the beginning of the story and follow the progression of the human species to see how we evolved to this point in time. This history of human evolvement usually starts out with “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.” We all know Genesis I:I, but in order for us to understand who we really are we need to ask an even more basic question.

Our question needs to be, “Why did God create the heavens and the earth in the first place?” Our next question needs to be, “What is our purpose in that creation?”

When we can answer these questions, we will be able to see the bigger picture of life. From this larger perspective, we will see what serves the universe as a whole and can then more easily determine what serves us as the human species because they are one and the same. When we can see what serves us from the larger perspective, we can put ourselves in alignment with that and use it to serve us. We then move into “being what serves us.”

Life is a process and understanding life is a process as well. Let us explore this life process and see the logic and reasoning behind some of the essential foundations that have taken us to this point in our human experience. Once we have gained some insight about the totality of the very reason for our existence we can use that knowledge to better navigate the journey that lies before us. It is such a fun adventure made even more so when you have a well-lighted path before you to help you from taking u-turns and running into obstacles along your way.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.nutsandboltsspirituality.com/

How to Live a Frugal Lifestyle

The word “frugality” has left a more negative connotation for most people than simply being a saver, a cheapskate or tightwad. There is a thin line difference to saving and too much frugality to the point of being awkward and ridiculous. This is where the negative connotation comes from.

But if you are guided with the right principles and reasons in deciding to live a frugal life, you would never go wrong.

If you have decided to live frugally, no need to be worried of insults. Keep your head up high. And keep your focus through these tips.

1. Eating Out - Having gimmicks with friends on a Friday night is fine if you do it once in a while. But this can be expensive if you add them up at the end of the month.

2. Clothing - Naturally, if you are the kind of person who adores signature and designer clothes, do not expect that there will be something left of your take home pay. Instead of being trendy, wear clothes that can easily be matched with your other clothes.

3. Own Home - If you are planning to move out and find a place to settle, do not be overwhelmed by the excitement, instead be practical. As a start, buy a smaller house or try other ways like rent-to-own, do-it-yourself arrangements, and owner financing.

4. Buying Your Own Car - Shy away from sports cars or SUVs. Just stick to your purpose of buying a car which is to transport you anywhere you need to go. Check out also program cars like a new car warranty. Maybe this is not just the best time to replace your car with a new one.

5. Shopping for Groceries - As much as possible do not go with items that are branded. Choose non-brands and try looking for items on the highest or lowest shelves for best prices. Grab the opportunity and shop during sales or use coupons.

6. Family Out - There are inexpensive ways to bond with your family and be entertained like going to libraries, local parks, malling, picnics, visit friends and local church.

7. Buying School Supplies - Stock school supplies at home and do not buy anything fancy.

8. Be contented with what you have and try to live within what you earn.

9. Plan your Child’s College Education - Teach them the ways to be independent and self-supporting by encouraging them to apply for scholarships and “on campus jobs”.

10. Be Aware of your Financial Limitations

11. Anticipate your Failures by Planning - Have always a budget plan so you would avoid impulsive buying.

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